Is Your Back-of-House Holiday Ready?

We recently wrote about preparing your front of house for the holidays . Now it’s time to ramp up the back of house for the upcoming season of eating, drinking, and merriment. Larger food inventories, more new employees, and a faster holiday pace have the potential to whip up a perfect storm in any foodservice operation. We’re here to help you prevent that and keep things running smoothly to maximize profitability. As you’re preparing for the most successful holiday season possible, here are a few questions to consider. Can your kitchen staff quickly find ingredients in the walk-in? If your team are taking extra time searching for ingredients or rearranging containers in your walk-in, Cambro has recently introduced a game-changing, yet simple solution. The Camshelving Universal Storage Rack customizes your Premium , Elements , or Basics Plus Camshelving to organize your storage space to keep up with the holiday pace and save preci...