Is Your Walk-in Haunted?

Is Your Walk-in Haunted? You’re all alone in the walk-in, unusual this busy time of night. Ah, peace! A soft, rattling sound snaps you out of your moment of serenity. “Has it always done that?” you wonder. Tap, tap, tap, tap. Knock! “Not now,” you say to yourself, “probably just my imagination, anyway.” You shake your head to clear your mind and reach up for what you came in for. Why does it have to be on the top shelf? You really want to step on the edge of the bottom shelf for a little boost, but you know it’s a bad idea. Someone’s done it, though. Many times. You can tell because the shelf edge is bent, the finish is chipped, and it’s starting to rust all in the exact same spot. “That can’t be good,” you think, as you grab what you were looking for, and the entire shelving unit starts to wobble and creak, even though you barely touched it. It’s a good thing that someone thought to tie the posts together and prop up the front of the bottom shelf with a heavy pan. Or is it? ...